Tu veux avoir un accompagnement personnalisé et vraiment adapté à tes défis?
Un accompagnement en coaching avec moi te donnera une toute nouvelle perspective sur ta situation et une foule d’outils pour que tu puisses vivre enfin la vie sexuelle épanouissante et amusante que tu mérites.
Prends rendez-vous aujourd’hui et commence les changements qui te garantiront plus de plaisir!
J’ai passé toute ma vie à explorer la sexualité. Du BDSM au tantrisme, tout apprendre, tout connaître, comment donner du plaisir et le recevoir a toujours été une passion pour moi. J’aime rendre la sexualité et sa pratique accessible à tout le monde, la vulgariser et enlever le halo de tabou qui l’entoure. Je peux t’aider à t’épanouir dans ta vie sexuelle. Écrit-moi un message.
Gag balls definitely seem to be gaining popularity in certain circles. I’m curious about the safety aspect though. Are there specific materials or designs that are recommended to ensure comfort and minimize any potential risks associated with their use?
It’s true that it has become more common in “vanilla” circles, this is the beauty of the internet and the discoveries you can do on it. And you’re right about safety there is a case to make as more more people uses gag balls more might have accident with them. All you really need to take from this videos is be careful that the gag ball has holes so you can breath and otherwise if ever you vomit you have a bit more time to remove it before choking. Plus I didn’t think about that when I wrote the video but with the silicon of my preferred model you can even stretch it out over head with ok force. For your first plays I would also don’t lock it if you get a models that locks simply so you can again remove it easily.
The concept of the gag ball is not a dangerous toy, you just need to take care of the ones you buy to protect your teeth and don’t choke!